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Going green isn’t a fad; it’s a lifestyle choice. If you are thinking about making the change — or auditing your current habits — consider adding these 10 tips into your daily routine:

Reusable Shopping Bags

Instead of winding up with hundreds of plastic shopping bags, buy a couple sturdy totes and carry them with you to the store. If you forget and end up bring a few shopping bags home, reuse them by carrying your lunch in them or lining trash cans with them.

Spend Less Time in the Shower

The average American family uses 40 gallons a day just by showering, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. We often use the shower as a place to think or wake up and end up staying in there longer than we intended. Spend less time in the shower, and encourage your family to do the same. One way you can reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower might be through considering installing an electric shower. Water from these showers are instantly hot, meaning that you won’t have to wait for the shower to heat up which could save you time and water. Your water pressure may be dependent on where you live, so if you live closer to a city, your water pressure will probably be lower than people who live further away from built-up areas. You will still be able to find the best electric shower for low water pressure houses though, you could look for some online reviews to see which one you would work best for you. Alternatively, consider installing a water-efficient showerhead with a WaterSense label. Another way to save water is to make sure you keep on top of leaks. Sometimes, you can have a leak and not even know, or you might have a leak but be unable to find the source; if either of these is the case for you and you live in Melbourne, then you could check out these plumbers in melbourne.

Shut Off Energy Suckers

Every year, standby power in the U.S. accounts for more than $10 billion in energy costs, according to That means your chargers, gaming systems and computers are using energy even when they are turned off. Plug all your devices into a power strip, and make a habit of unplugging when not in use.

Adjust the Thermostat

Don’t turn your thermostat off when you leave for work if you plan on turning it back on when you arrive home. This causes your air conditioner to work harder to change the temperature quicker, thus using more energy than if you would’ve left it on. Set the thermostat a few degrees above or below your comfort level. Use eco-friendly roller shades to efficiently block out light and fans and clothing to control the temperature whenever you can.

Chemical-Free Cleaning

Instead of spending money on chemical-infused cleaning products, make your own from natural products you already have around the house. Use baking soda or cornstarch to deodorize and gently scour, distilled white vinegar to dissolve stains and citrus peels to clean and add fragrance:

  • All-purpose cleaner: Combine two cups of white vinegar with water and use essential oils to mask the smell
  • Disposal deodorizer: After squeezing a lemon or lime, slice it. Then drop the peels down the drain with a sprinkle of baking soda and drop of vinegar
  • Carpet refresher: Sprinkle baking soda over carpet 30 minutes before vacuuming it up
  • Duster: Combine several drops of pure lemon oil with two tablespoons of lemon juice and a drop or two of vegetable or olive oil and put it on your rag

Use CFLs

Compact fluorescent light bulbs use less energy, which can save you money, extend light bulb life and lower greenhouse gas emissions, according to the EPA.

Wash Clothes in Cold Water

Water heating accounts for 14 percent of energy use in most American houses, according to When possible, wash your clothes in cold water.

Line Dry When You Can

Instead of popping your wet clothes into the dryer, hang them up to dry. If you don’t have a backyard or the air quality isn’t great, open your shower curtain and hang clothes on the rod.

Recycle Electronics

Don’t just throw your old electronics out because they are outdated or you are upgrading. Many places will recycle — and even pick up and haul away — your unwanted electronics. Best Buy’s recycling program accepts these products in most stores:

  • TVs
  • Phones
  • Chargers
  • Stereos
  • Alarm clocks
  • Scanners
  • Security systems
  • Cameras
  • Computers
  • Some home appliances

Pack a Litter-less Lunch

Forget buying more brown bags and instead pack your lunch in a reusable bag or box. Use plastic containers instead of one-time-use baggies, and pack silver ware or plastic utensils you plan on washing.